This universe would be continuously being recreated, and at the same time, continuously ending. It would be self-contained,and eternal. It explains things like inflation and the expanding universe. It also works well with the fact that I think space is one giant field,and matter is excitations of energy in the field. The whole universe moves as a whole. from the top to the bottom of the torus, taking the galaxies along with it, as they are embedded in the field. I am also coming to believe the universe is a single living organism. Consciousness is just scaled to the complexity of the organism. WE are how the universe thinks.
The universe grows and evolves along a specified path, like an embryo. There is an "attractor" that the universe is evolving towards. I am certain it has to do with a higher level of consciousness. We are just one more stage along the way.
The universe and everything in it self-organizes, according to rules and laws embedded in the field. There are forms it strives for. These forms are attractors that evolution leads to. Forms like spheracle bodies of the stars and planets. Forms like ferns and ants that continue for millions of years. Forms like flying squirrels and dogs that take shape as both marsupials and placental mammals. Convergence in nature is just the universes way of finding different paths to the same forms. I intuitively suspect the human shape is also an attractor form, as our bodies conform well the the phi ratio.
I also believe there are most likely other carbon copies of our Earth-Moon system, which fits the squared circle, with life closely resembling our own forms.