Monday, July 30, 2018

Maya and the cosmic game

In Hindu belief, Maya is the thought that everything is illusion. It is of course more complicated than that, but that is the basic understanding. Underneath reality, there is a reality that is a mystery, an invisible unknown. There is an illusion both of nature and spirituality-both of which deeper reality is a mystery.
The Cosmic Game, written by Dr. Stanislav Grof, is a book on spirituality and the nature of God and reality. It is also about the nature of human consciousness. Basically, it is suggesting that God is each of us, playing out different roles.

Sometimes I think it's true and we are all just dreams of God. It makes the most sense to me. Since my own consciousness is all I can really prove to myself exists, then what else is there, really?
It solves the problem of "where did everything come from?". If there is really nothing but my own consciousness, then there really isn't anything physical after all. The problem is resolved. No messy big bang, no messy "poofing" things into existence.
What is physicality anyway? Are particles physical? Fields? Energy? What is the basis of all physical things? We look at quantum mechanics, and it is nothing all the way down. Physicists don't even agree with each other on this issue. There are no concrete definitions for mass, matter, fields, particles, or energy.
Does God dream only one of us at a time, or all of us? Is there only one "us"? All I can be sure of is my own sense of self and consciousness. Does this make me a solipsist? I'm not sure, because I'm not sure I really believe all of this. However, it is high up there on my probability scale.
What if God is the sole person in the world, and this really is an illusion? It must be lonely. At least I imagine it would be. What happens when God wakes up? Maybe that is what enlightenment is...waking up from the dream.
If this really is an illusion, then enlightenment would be the lifting of the veil. Maybe that is why people claim to have a sense of "oneness" during enlightenment. If there is only One, then there is only Oneness.
I have had spiritual experiences, but I have never felt anything like that. No sense of oneness with nature or anything else. It could be I just haven't reached that stage yet. But I wonder where that idea comes from. I doubt people who claim they experienced that are all liars, or crazy. There must be something to it.
Would I have thoughts if I didn't have language? I am unsure. I imagine a dog has thoughts, and they don't really have language. Although I have my very first memory, which wasn't long after I learned to talk. I can't remember anything before I had language. Maybe that indicates something.
I wonder if language was invented, or if it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It doesn't seem to have evolved. It was just suddenly there, in a saltation. This is according to Noam Chomsky, a leading linguist. He says it couldn't have evolved over time. For some reason, I tend to believe this. Other animals have nothing close to our language capabilities.
Can you separate language from consciousness? I don't think so. They seem to, for some reason, go together. At least in my experience.
I know this article is choppy, and doesn't make much sense and the ideas don't fit together well on the screen. It is like a puzzle I am trying to fit together in my mind. And writing it out helps. It helps to organize my thoughts. That's why I do it, even if it doesn't make much sense at the time.
But this is why I write, mainly for myself. It does help too if other people understand and know what I'm saying. That's a rare phenomenon. But it does happen on occasion.
seven raindrops
each a different hue
seven steps
worn by few
each one fought for
each one new
veiled in mist
the morning dew

Friday, February 23, 2018

Evolution and Advanced Civilization Part 1

Researchers like Graham Hancock and Randal Carlson (and many more) have come to the conclusion that there must have been an ancient civilization in the deep past of prehistory. They believe this civilization was destroyed at the end of the last ice age, twelve or thirteen thousand years ago.
They believe this because they think structures like the Great Pyramid couldn't have been built by prehistoric people. They think that the knowledge to build these structures had to have come from an advanced civilization.
I believed this theory for a long time, because it makes sense. For instance, there is a host of mathematical knowledge in the pyramids around the world. It LOOKS like there must have been an advanced civilization whose descendants imparted this knowledge.
But as I looked into it, I have noticed that it doesn't make sense in other ways. For one, there is an obvious progression of human development, in less advanced tool-making etc. to more advanced as we go through prehistory. There are artifacts that show this. I think archaeologists and anthropologists have it right. There was little progress in tool making until about fifty thousand years ago, when there was an explosion of advancement suddenly. I think this is when we got our language faculty, which Noam Chomsky thinks was a saltation. This is when we become fully modern human beings.
Then there is little progress until about 9000 years ago, when people begin farming. And then another few thousand years to the first civilization. The archaeological record is clear on this.
If there was an ancient advanced civilization, there would be remnants of it SOMEWHERE. And we find zero evidence for this. This is why I think these researchers are flat out wrong.
So, something else must be going on. I have a theory, and I will go into it in part 2.


My newest interest lately is evolution, so I've been doing a lot of research on it. I see a lot of problems with Darwinian evolution. I don't think it works, and I don't think it's correct. That's why I'm exploring other options and ideas.

It seems to me that evolution is structured. Not necessarily that there's an end goal, but I see a lot of evidence that certain forms are more often seen, especially with convergent evolution. I don't think convergences happened through natural selection. I think nature tends towards certain forms. I think these forms are based on underlying laws of nature.

I don't think things evolve slowly through small changes due to random mutations. I think changes are "saltational", that they come in discrete leaps. I think there are stages to evolution. That once an animal or plant reaches a certain degree of readiness, it will make a sudden leap to the next stage. I believe forms are dictated through the laws of chemistry and physics,and through unknown laws of growth. I think one of these laws of growth can be seen in the prevailence of the golden mean found though out nature.

Right now I'm researching "process structuralism".

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sacred geometry Decoded

My favorite youtuber is SGD, or Sacred Geometry Decoded. He can be found by searching "sacred geometry decoded" in the youtube search bar.
This Australian youtuber creates long and short videos, from a few minutes to a couple hours. The videos are mainly on sacred architecture, measurements and how measuring systems are connected and span the millenia. There are also connections the the Earth, moon and stars, mathematics, and physics. Topics also include sacred geometry and numbers (especially the canonical numbers of base 27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864). The Great Pyramid, city measurements and layouts, hermetics, mythology, alchemy, astronomy, Freemasons, ancient knowledge, phi and pi, platonic solids and how to draw them, and the caduceus.
My favorite SGD video is "The Great Pyramid, a Hermetic Legacy of Harmonics" which can be found on the front page on his channel.
SGD has 542 videos, most of them on sacred architecture. He has nearly 2000 subscribers. He also has videos on Vidme, although I haven't checked that out yet. He is still posting new videos on youtube.
He has put a lot of work into his videos, and it shows. I truly recommend this youtuber if you are interested in the mysteries of the universe. He has somehow found mysterious connections between certain numbers, geometry, astronomy, and the Earth itself. These connections are not coincidences. There is something intriguing going on. And this has been known throughout the ages, and into the modern day, as it is reflected in all ages of architecture. There have been secrets handed down through time, but there is more to it than that. Something more is going on. Somehow, some people just "know" these things.
SGD doesn't resolve the mystery, but helps in understanding the connections, to help us all get a little closer to figuring it all out.

Facade Tarot

I always use Facade tarot for my readings. They are good, and it's free. I don't necessarily believe in tarot readings, I mostly do it for fun.

My own deck is the Rider Waite. I tend more to analyze the Major Arcana as opposed to actually doing readings. I see the Major Arcana as the Hero's Journey, with the Fool card as the Hero. The dog is the star Sirius, which guides him.

Each of us is the Fool. We are all here on our Hero's Journey. We must learn and grow, and pass tests. This is my take, anyway. I am getting more and more into believing this as time goes by. I have had many strange spiritual experiences. Things I can't explain any other way. I definitely feel like the Fool.

Spirituality Definition

I have my own spirituality definition. This is what spirituality is to me.

Spirituality is of the soul. It is the "I" that is the self. It is what makes you an individual. To me, "ego" is not a bad word, or something you need to be rid. of. It is what makes you YOU. It is your individual consciousness. It is your feeling of self. You can't kill off your ego, because you are your ego. if you did, there would be nothing left.

Perhaps we are part of a larger consciousness. I suspect we are. A hierarchy of souls. We are all in touch with this higher consciousness, but many of us don't know it. You can feel it through synchronicities.

Many people include the chakras in spirituality. I do. I believe spiritual awakening involves the activation and opening of the chakras. I have written about this in other posts. I have also described the meanings of the chakras in my last post, and will expand further on each chakra in other posts.

Chakras Meaning

What are the chakras meaning? Each chakra is associated with certain meanings.

The first and lowest chakra, the root chakra, is associated with survival and basic food, shelter and water. The fight or flight response. An associated feeling is fear.

The second of the three lower (material) chakras is the sacral chakra. It is associated with sexual desire.

The third of the lower chakras is the solar plexus chakra. It is associated with personal will power.

The third chakra is the heart chakra. It is associated with balance. It balances the upper spiritual chakras with the lower material chakras.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It is associated with expressing truth.

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra. It is associated with intuition. It is the first of the higher chakras.

The seventh chakra is the crown chakra. It is associated with cosmic consciousness. It is the highest chakra to attain.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Are Humans Millions of Years Old?

According to Hindu mythology, humans have been around for millions of years, if not forever.
In Forbidden Archaeology, Michael Cremo shows archaeological evidence of deep human antiquity
According to Vedic theology, we are currently in the Kali Yuga, or the dark ages. The Kali Yuga lasts 432,000 years. Maybe this is why we don't remember our past. Interesting the number 432, which is a canonical number in the three cubed series.
27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864
If Michael Cremo is right, and humans have been around for millions of years, what does that mean? Is there evolution? I think it would rule out Darwinian evolution as we know it. I have already ruled that out a long time ago, so I am not surprised. (This is merely my opinion on the Modern Synthesis, and not the consensus view on evolution.)
He claims to have evidence going back hundreds of millions of years. Honestly, I don't know what to think of his evidence. I think evidence for evolution is flimsy at best, but I think I would need to study the evidence of deep human antiquity myself to get a better view of it.
If time is cyclical, does that mean we reincarnate? I wonder if we do, and how often. Do we play out many lives each kalpa? Or just one?
Why are we here? I like to think we are here for spiritual growth. But it could be another reason, such as that we are here to experience. Honestly, no one knows. I don't claim to know, I can only guess based on experience.
But what do I think about all of this? Are humans millions of years old? Honestly, I don't think there is a real case for it. I think we would see much more evidence of ancient high technology. Ancient cities, vehicles, artifacts.
From what I've seen of the archaeological record, it looks pretty linear to me. I doubt all of the ancient high level technology cities were on the coast, and were ALL destroyed in floods etc.
What we see is hunters and gatherers, then small villages, then cities. There are of course anomalies like the Pyramids at Giza. But I don't think it proves an ancient lost high civilization. Especially not a series of them, like you would expect if humans have been around for millions of years.
Now, I don't believe in Darwinian evolution, but I do believe archaeologists probably have the timeline about right. Even the oldest known megalithic temple, at Gobekli Tepi is clearly built by hunter/gatherers. Now, I certainly think something MORE was going on, but I don't know what. I can only make guesses.
I think the builders of the Pyramids and Stonehenge etc. had special knowledge, not passed down through ancient secret priesthoods or societies, but through intuition and gnosis.
I believe in a kind of evolution called orthogenesis, which is evolution with goals. One of the goals is to evolve hominid creatures with ten fingers and big brains, like us. Some don't succeed, like the Neanderthal.
I think this is more likely than humans living for millions of years on this planet, or even forever. Honestly I just don't think Michael Cremo proves his case. There are no human bones dating back millions of years that can be proven. I think dating methods are sketchy at best anyway. I don't think it's even provable that the Earth is billions of years old. Let alone humans. At least he is honest when he says he had a motive for believing that. He is a believer in Hinduism and the Vedas, which state humans have been here for at least millions of years. I don't think he is trying to lie. I just think he is wrong. Where are the cities? Where are the artifacts? No, I think humans are relatively new on the scene.
Nonetheless, it is an interesting idea. I like interesting ideas. That is why I watched as many of his videos as I could find. I could not afford to buy his books. I would have liked to. But I think he gives his best evidence in the videos anyway, so I doubt the books would make me a believer.