Monday, September 11, 2017

The Squared Circle of the Earth and Moon, and Other Coincidences

The Earth and Moon fit into a squared circle nearly perfectly. Why is this?
If you want to try it, draw a square, and then center a circle on it of the same length. This is what is called in geometry a squared circle. Next, draw a circle inside the square that touches the sides of the square. Imagine this is the Earth. Next, draw a smaller circle on the top of the square, so it's center touches the top of the larger circle. Drawn to scale, these figures would fit the Earth and Moon nearly perfectly. The Great Pyramid also fits in the model, with the apex touching the center of the moon, and the base touching the center of the Earth. Two Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangles also fit into the model. All of this is an amazing coincidence, don't you think?
What's even more interesting are the numbers. The numbers 1080, 2160, and 5040 also come into play, which are divisions of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Moon's diameter is 1080 miles. The Sun's diameter is 864,000 miles, with 864 fitting in with these sacred geometrical numbers as well.
These are coincidences supposedly, but I don't think they are. I think they follow some kind of pattern that is a natural part of how the Universe works.
Even solar eclipses are strange. How likely is it that we happen to live in the perfect time when the sun and moon are able to create perfect eclipses, a true rarity in the Universe? I don't think this is a coincidence either. There are just too many of these happening for it to be a matter of chance. There are patterns and laws we are unaware of .
I apologize for the bad drawing, but it was the best I could do on the spur of the moment, freehand. But I wanted to give an illustration of what I am referring to in this Hub. Maybe I will replace it with a better one at a later time. You can also Google "squared circle Earth Moon" and look for yourself for a better diagram of the system of sacred geometry I'm talking about.
Stonehenge also has the same squared circle diagram. Even the same numbers in feet are used, amazingly. Especially since they measured in the Megalithic Yard. How can the same numbers be used when they didn't even use feet and inches at the time? That is the strangest part of all, one for which I won't even try to give an explanation for.

Canonical Numbers: Base 27

Canonical numbers are sacred numbers used in the building of the universe. They are found in measurements of Earth, moon, sun and planets. They are also found in geometry, music, and arithmetic. They are numbers of the quadrivium.
Base 27 Canonical Numbers are some of the most important. Three cubed, 3^3, is 27. 27 is the base number. Keep multiplying by 2 and you get a series of important sacred numbers.
In astronomy, you find that the sun is 864,000 miles in diameter. The moon is 2160 miles in diameter. The Earth's polar radius is 3456 royal miles. An Earth day is 86,400 seconds. Earth has 21,600 nautical mile meridian circumference. The list goes on. There are dozens of examples in the solar system where these numbers of base 27 are used.
Base 27 sacred numbers are also used in measuring systems both ancient and modern, and in buildings and monuments both ancient and modern. For instance, Stonehenge is 108 ft. in diameter. These numbers are found all over the world.
Some alternative researchers think this is evidence for a prehistoric advanced civilization. I don't think so. There is no physical evidence for it. What I think is that these numbers have been communicated to architects and shamans by the living Universe for thousands of years. Maybe since the beginning of humanity. But at least since the time of Stonehenge, which has the earliest representation of these numbers that I know of.
Why do I believe this? Because I have been given these numbers through dreams, urges to look at the clock at 1:08, 2:16 etc., and synchronicities (through books, websites, videos on youtube). I have been seeing these numbers fro six years. It started me on the quest to learn just what is going on in this world. It has lead me to study alchemy, the Precession of the Equinoxes, yoga, religion, weights and measures, astronomy.
There is something going on, and we as humans are a part of it.
As above, so below.

How Do You Know When Your Chakras are Open?

How do you know when your chakras are open? For a simple answer, it is when you can feel them. You will feel them in your spine, and in your skull.
How do I know this? Because most of mine have opened, and I feel them.
(I have written another article on this experience of the last two months, and as to whether or not what I have been experiencing is real or psychosis.)
It started two months ago when I did a specific mudra. Almost immediately, I went into a altered state of consciousness. I experienced the blue/purple light I have experienced before. This lasted for about five minutes before it started to fade away. It was so powerful I went through a while of shaking and anxiety.
Then I started feeling energy at night. It would come in rushes up through my body. Then it started going up my spine. I would feel this cool flow of energy slowly going up my spine. It stopped when it reached my throat.
Next, I started feeling bursts of energy in specific places in my spine. I knew these places were my chakras. I felt the second through the fifth chakras. Occasionally, I will feel some movement around where I think the first and sixth chakras are, but I can't be sure of exactly where.
The latest addition is feeling electric shock feelings on the top of my head. This has to be the seventh chakra, although I am still unsure about exactly where it is.
I have been struggling against this, because the energy is too powerful for me. But so far, my first, sixth and seventh haven't opened. I am not ready for those experiences. Maybe I will be ready someday, but not now.

Amit Goswami and Tangled Hierarchy

Amit Goswami is a physicist and has a theory on Tangled Hierarchy.
From what I can tell, this is just a rehash on irreducible complexity, given a different name.
For instance, he gives an example of Tangled Heirarchy, in that DNA needs protein and protein needs DNA to exist. This to me is just saying it is irreducibly complex. The main difference I think is that Goswami says that TH is a necessity for life, and not matter, and is the difference between the two.
He also says that these hierarchies must be created by God in a "Quantum Leap", which is just another phrase for saltation.
He is an educated man, so I'm not sure why he's making up words for terms that already have common usage. He had to have done it on purpose. Perhaps he doesn't want to be associated with the Intelligent Design crowd.
Word usage aside, I believe he is correct. My hypothesis closer to orthogenesis. Orthogenesis is the theory of purposeful, directed evolution. My hypothesis is a mixture of Platonic Forms and Orthogenesis. This is an organic being that is made up of all life on Earth, in a heirarchical pattern all the way up to a single being with a unique consciousness, down to each part having a unique consciousness, down to single cells in a body.
Human beings are just a part of this conscious organic entity. Evolution is merely the being growing, like the stages of an embryo. The different species are platonic forms, with adaptability.
Amit Goswami has interesting ideas, although many are old ideas. I'm not sure he has anything new to offer. It is helpful to the intelligent design cause that he is a respected physicist. Therefore I can assume he knows what he is talking about, and the more I read of his work, the more interesting it gets.

My Thoughts on Quantum Mechanics

If I said I understood quantum mechanics, I would be lying. But I have some insights, and they are in the metaphysical realm, not the scientific.
First of all, entanglement. I was once watching a video, and the man said to look at it this way. If there is a fish in a tank, with two cameras focused on it at two different angles, you would think they were two different fish. When you notice they are moving in a synchronized way, you might begin to realize they are the same fish. That's what I think is going on.
We probably live in some type of holographic universe. I suspect it is holographic, and a simulation.
There are no particles. They exist as "waves of probability", which is exactly what they are. They are not "real" or "physical". Nothing is.
We are just an illusion in the mind of God. A multi-player video game, with God playing all of the parts. I'm not sure if I really believe that, but it is an interesting possibility. Stanislav Grof explains it best in his book, "The Cosmic Game".
I have been reading about quantum mechanics for 20 plus years. The simulation theory is the best one I've seen so far. The one that makes the most sense. Or makes any sense. I used to be a materialist and a skeptic. At that time I was completely confounded by quantum mechanics. I still am confounded, but not completely anymore.
Then there is the observer effect. Do we really have an affect on particles if we look at them? It's a little scary. I'm not sue I want that kind of power. And responsibility. Unfortunately, I think it is true. What other way is there to explain the double slit experiments, especially the eraser experiments?
Anyway, those are my thoughts on quantum mechanics, I'm sure I will go into it more later.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Strange World of Zipf's Law

Zipf's Law is the mathematical principle found across disparate subjects ranging from language to galaxy formation. The law is named after George Zipf, who studied it but did not claim to discover the law.
Basically, the law states that for a population, the largest will be twice as much as the second in the group, and three times as much for the third, and so on. In English language, the most popular word (the) is found twice as often and the second most popular word (of), and three times as much as the third (and), and so on through the English vocabulary.
This works for all languages, even invented languages.
This law holds true for a vast variety of different subjects, such as city populations, galaxy formation, number of television show viewers, corporations, solar flare intensity, diameter of moon craters, ingredients in recipes, last names, web traffic, and many more.
Why does this mathematical law hold across so many different things? The answer is: nobody knows. This is the strangeness of Zipf's Law. There aren't even any good theories to explain this strangeness. It's a pattern in the universe that will have to for now remain a mystery.
I do have a theory though, or more appropriately a hypothesis. I can't call it a theory, as I don't have any way to test it, and I don't make predictions. This is the theory: Nature is made up of morphic fields that organize structure and behavior of systems (for more on morphic fields, read Rupert Sheldrake's "A New Science of Life") and these fields are arranged according to mathematical laws. Nature is conservative, so the same mathematical laws are used multiple times and in multiple ways. This can also be thought of as archetypes, or forms. Nature conserves forms, as can be seen in "convergence" in evolution.
Convergence is the conservations of forms in different species, even over vast periods of time. For instance, the feline saber toothed cat, and it's older look alike, the marsupial saber toothed cat. Convergence is rife in marsupials and placentals. Consider, for instance, marsupial moles and dogs (now extinct). The marsupial dog's skull is nearly indistinguishable from a real dog's skull.
If there is convergence in biology, can there not be convergence in mathematical laws? Obviously, there can be. Zipf's Law shows this, and shows cosmos is more mysterious than we think.

Instincts and Morphic Fields

What are instincts? They are inborn habits of organisms in the natural world. How do these inborn habits come about? Many people will say they evolved because they helped an animal or plant survive, so they were therefore carried on into the next generation, and then the next, and so on.
But that is a just-so story, like most of evolution. A spider accidentally made a magnificent web, and this was carried on through the next generation. How? There is no known mechanism for instincts, or the transmission of instinct to the next generation. That is why I propose they are controlled by morphic fields. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake came up with this idea, and I think it makes sense.
I think morphic fields are preprogrammed for every species. Since there is a program, there must be a programmer, and this programmer is most likely God.
The programmer could also be the organism called The Universe, who has learned to program itself according to God's plan.
There is no way a spider could have just happened on the right method to create it's intricate web. How could it even navigate three dimensional space? It must have some sort of set of detailed instructions to follow. This is where the morphic field comes in. Just like the magnetic field, it organizes. The morphic field comes from the formative, or Platonic realm. The formative realm is the realm behind the material realm, and everything is formed here first, before it is translated to the material realm.
Instincts come as "urges" to do a certain thing. An organism feels a strong need to perform a specific task. Most organisms then do the task, whether it nursing a baby, building a beaver's dam, or turning leaves towards the sun.
But some organisms, such as humans, are able to override these urges when they want, and choose not to do them. That is because all organisms have free will to some extent. The bigger the rational part of the brain, the more free will. That is why humans have the most free will, and are able to overcome base instincts and base emotions.
I will write more on these topics in further installations.

My Thoughts on David Bohm and the Implicate and Explicate Orders

David Bohm created the idea of implicate and explicate order. Basically, reality is made of the two orders, which are two frameworks used to understand and describe the same reality, looking at it in two different ways.
The implicate order is the more fundamental framework, and more in tune with reality. He also refers to it as "enfolded" order. This deeper order is not dependent on space and time, and separateness is an illusion of the explicate order.
The explicate order is our way of perceiving this enfolded order. This is also referred to as "unfolded" order. We perceive particles as separate in space and time, which is really an abstract perception. The explicate order is contained within, and derives from, the implicate order. Our "reality" unfolds from the implicate order into the explicate order we are familiar with.
In my metaphysical view, I believe that Bohm is describing what I call the Platonic realm. I believe all forms are contained within this realm, and are the abstract basis of our reality, which only comes into existence when consciousness (contained in morphic fields) reaches a threshold, where it "spills over", like a tiered fountain, into a connected morphic field. This is when it comes into our "reality".
This is how evolution works. We go from subatomic particles, to atoms, to molecules, to single cells, to multiple celled organisms, to all of the organisms in the Cambrian explosion, to amphibians, to reptiles, to mammals, to humans. Each major step is a saltation, where there is an irreducibly complex step. Of course this takes many thousands of steps, but the steps are not continuous small little steps as in Darwinian evolution, they are saltations where one form reaches a threshold and leads to another.
A simple way of putting it, is that our material reality is a projection in the mind of God.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Expanding This Blog

I have decided to expand this blog. It will include all types of esoteric, mysterious, and spiritual subjects. I considered started new blogs for each topic, but decided these things should all go together, as they go together in life.

This will make things simpler for me.

Some of the subjects I plan to write about in the near future are Spiritual Alchemy, yoga, meditation, Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, chakras, the Precession of the Equinoxes, and God.

I believe all of these things tie in together. There is a great mystery, it is the mystery of life and the universe. Someone wants me to solve it. Someone drops clues, and nudges me in the right direction. Someone calls out to me subtly each day. I don't know if this is God or the living universe, or someone else.

This all began six and a half years ago. It has been a real struggle. It is a spiritual journey. I am the initiate of the Mysteries. Some of it has been good, and some of it has been bad. I didn't want this. At least not consciously. It was set before me. Inside me. I have always had questions, but something happened six years ago to set me on this road. It has been a roller ride ever since.