Monday, September 11, 2017

Amit Goswami and Tangled Hierarchy

Amit Goswami is a physicist and has a theory on Tangled Hierarchy.
From what I can tell, this is just a rehash on irreducible complexity, given a different name.
For instance, he gives an example of Tangled Heirarchy, in that DNA needs protein and protein needs DNA to exist. This to me is just saying it is irreducibly complex. The main difference I think is that Goswami says that TH is a necessity for life, and not matter, and is the difference between the two.
He also says that these hierarchies must be created by God in a "Quantum Leap", which is just another phrase for saltation.
He is an educated man, so I'm not sure why he's making up words for terms that already have common usage. He had to have done it on purpose. Perhaps he doesn't want to be associated with the Intelligent Design crowd.
Word usage aside, I believe he is correct. My hypothesis closer to orthogenesis. Orthogenesis is the theory of purposeful, directed evolution. My hypothesis is a mixture of Platonic Forms and Orthogenesis. This is an organic being that is made up of all life on Earth, in a heirarchical pattern all the way up to a single being with a unique consciousness, down to each part having a unique consciousness, down to single cells in a body.
Human beings are just a part of this conscious organic entity. Evolution is merely the being growing, like the stages of an embryo. The different species are platonic forms, with adaptability.
Amit Goswami has interesting ideas, although many are old ideas. I'm not sure he has anything new to offer. It is helpful to the intelligent design cause that he is a respected physicist. Therefore I can assume he knows what he is talking about, and the more I read of his work, the more interesting it gets.

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