Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Living Torus Universe

There is a model of the universe that I have been considering,and that makes a lot of sense to me. This is the Torus Universe.

This universe would be continuously being recreated, and at the same time, continuously ending. It would be self-contained,and eternal. It explains things like inflation and the expanding universe. It also works well with the fact that I think space is one giant field,and matter is excitations of energy in the field. The whole universe moves as a whole. from the top to the bottom of the torus, taking the galaxies along with it, as they are embedded in the field. I am also coming to believe the universe is a single living organism. Consciousness is just scaled to the complexity of the organism. WE are how the universe thinks. 

The universe grows and evolves along a specified path, like an embryo. There is an "attractor" that the universe is evolving towards. I am certain it has to do with a higher level of consciousness. We are just one more stage along the way. 

The universe and everything in it self-organizes, according to rules and laws embedded in the field. There are forms it strives for. These forms are attractors that evolution leads to. Forms like spheracle bodies of the stars and planets. Forms like ferns and ants that continue for millions of years. Forms like flying squirrels and dogs that take shape as both marsupials and placental mammals. Convergence in nature is just the universes way of finding different paths to the same forms. I intuitively suspect the human shape is also an attractor form, as our bodies conform well the the phi ratio.

I also believe there are most likely other carbon copies of our Earth-Moon system, which fits the squared circle, with life closely resembling our own forms.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

11:11 and Intuiting the Structure of the Universe

My journey into Sacred Geometry started four years ago when I started seeing 11:11 all the time on clocks and other places. It started soon after I started meditating. I think meditation helps us to tap into our intuition. Our intuition seems to be the taking in subconsciously of the nature of the Universe around us.

I know of may other people who were led to Sacred Geometry after starting to see 11:11. I think it is a capability that is universal among people. Somehow, we can sense the structure of the Universe,and we take this into our subconscious. It is then filtered through the subconscious, where it then comes out in our conscious every day world.

11:11 is like a wake-up call from the Universe. Soon after I started seeing 11:11, I started becoming interested in Sacred Geometry, religion, chakras,and all types of metaphysical subjects. I also started seeing other numbers, like 108 and 423. My iphone clock would go backwards from 11:12 to 11:11, or back from 1:09 to 1:08. The Universe was trying to get me to see certain numbers and research and explore them. I also had dreams of the number 3186. And these numbers showed up before I actually started researching them and knowing how significant they were.

You just have to be careful not to go too far into your subconscious, and let your subjective thinking rule you. It can be dangerous territory if you let it take over. Always remain objective.

6/5 and the Structure of the Universe

The mystery number 6/5 is found all around us,and is one of the canonical numbers in the hidden structure of the Universe. Mainly, it has to do with the relationship of the Pentagon to the Hexagon. 6 represents structure,while 5 represents life.

It also relates to phi and pi.

6/5 times phi squared is nearly equal to pi. 

6/5 also relates to the Fibonacci series and the square root of 5, as I show in my previous post.

6/5 relates to the relationship between time and space. The Precession of the Equinoxes 25920 divided by the Circumference of the Earth 21600 = 6/5

6/5 cubed is equal to 1.728, another canonical number.

There are many more examples of 6/5, and I will add to this post as I come across them in my notes,and my Internet and reading research.

The Square Root of Five and Fibonacci Series

I was messing with the Fibonacci Series and discovered a link to the square root of five. I took the first four numbers of the sequence, starting with 1,2,3,5. I added the first and last together(5 and 1) and the middle two together (2 and 3) and then divide the first by the second (6/5). I then put it into decimal form (1.2).

I kept doing this with every four numbers in the sequence. The numbers kept converging towards 1.23606. I finally reached 1.23606 at the quadruplet set 144, 233, 377, 610.

The square root of five is 2.23606. I don't know if this means anything, but I thought it was neat anyway, especially since phi is related to the square root of five in some ways,and phi is related to the Fibonacci Series.

phi= square root of 5 +1/2

There are other formulas that relate phi to the square root of five as well.

I also think it's revealing that the first quadruplet number turned out to be 6/5, which is another mysterious number in the hidden structure of the Universe. I will do a post on 6/5 later.

The Earth and Moon Squared Circle

The Earth and Moon fit perfectly into a squared circle. How unlikely is this fact? Yet it's true. I believe the Universe uses Ideals in it's makeup. While the numbers aren't exactly 1080, 2160, 5040, 7920 exactly, these are Ideal numbers that the Universe is striving for.

The ancients who built Stonehenge somehow knew this,and even used the same Ideal numbers (79.20 ft, 50.40 ft etc). How could they have known the sises of the Earth and the Moon so exactly? What did they know that we don't? Why are the numbers the same, when different measurement standards are used?

Here's a comparison of Stonehenge to the Earth-Moon Squared Circle system, along with the numbers. These same numbers are everywhere. In geometry, in ancient buildings and henges, in religions around the world. They are even in the Bible, in the measurements of the New Jerulsalem,and in Plato's ideal city. Where did these numbers originate from? Multiples of 27 are prevalent. 54, 108, 216, 432, 864. The moon is 1080 miles in diameter,and the sun is 864,000 miles in diameter. Always these numbers. There are a few other canonical numbers that the Universe uses, like 153, 3186, 81, and 64. These are the numbers that the Universe uses to make everything.Somehow, ancient people knew of these things,and used the numbers in the measurements of their buildings and monuments. 

I believe there is a blueprint of an ideal world lurking behind the reality we see. The material world does it's best to fit into the ideal. Certain individuals are able to intuit these ideals,and then use the numbers and ratios in their buildings and monuments,and religious stories. I don't believe it's a supernatural thing at all, I believe it's perfectly natural, it's just that some people are better able to intuit thatn others. It's just another sense. Maybe even no new sense at all, we are just getting information from the environment subconsciously.