Sunday, September 10, 2017

My Thoughts on David Bohm and the Implicate and Explicate Orders

David Bohm created the idea of implicate and explicate order. Basically, reality is made of the two orders, which are two frameworks used to understand and describe the same reality, looking at it in two different ways.
The implicate order is the more fundamental framework, and more in tune with reality. He also refers to it as "enfolded" order. This deeper order is not dependent on space and time, and separateness is an illusion of the explicate order.
The explicate order is our way of perceiving this enfolded order. This is also referred to as "unfolded" order. We perceive particles as separate in space and time, which is really an abstract perception. The explicate order is contained within, and derives from, the implicate order. Our "reality" unfolds from the implicate order into the explicate order we are familiar with.
In my metaphysical view, I believe that Bohm is describing what I call the Platonic realm. I believe all forms are contained within this realm, and are the abstract basis of our reality, which only comes into existence when consciousness (contained in morphic fields) reaches a threshold, where it "spills over", like a tiered fountain, into a connected morphic field. This is when it comes into our "reality".
This is how evolution works. We go from subatomic particles, to atoms, to molecules, to single cells, to multiple celled organisms, to all of the organisms in the Cambrian explosion, to amphibians, to reptiles, to mammals, to humans. Each major step is a saltation, where there is an irreducibly complex step. Of course this takes many thousands of steps, but the steps are not continuous small little steps as in Darwinian evolution, they are saltations where one form reaches a threshold and leads to another.
A simple way of putting it, is that our material reality is a projection in the mind of God.

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